Texto com Simple Future

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Interpretar textos é fundamental não apenas para fortalecer a habilidade de leitura, mas também para desenvolver o vocabulário e compreender as sutilezas da linguagem em diferentes contextos.

Hoje, vamos nos concentrar na interpretação de um texto no simple future, que aborda o planejamento de uma festa surpresa.

Planejar uma festa surpresa é uma experiência emocionante e cheia de antecipação.

No texto que vamos explorar, mergulharemos nas expectativas e preparativos para uma festa especial.

À medida que nos envolvemos com o texto, teremos a oportunidade de praticar nossas habilidades de compreensão e discutir estratégias de planejamento de eventos.

Está pronto para embarcar nessa jornada de interpretação? Vamos começar!

Texto – Emma is planning a surprise birthday party

texto com simple future - surprise party

We’re having a surprise party for my mother this weekend. Her birthday is on Sunday, and I think she will be very happy to see all her friends and family gathered to celebrate it.

Last night, we talked and decided that Kate, my mother’s best friend, is going to help us with the invitations. That way, I’m almost positive that all of my mother’s closest friends will attend the party.

Harper, my younger sister, is going to bring the cake. I’m almost sure she will buy a red velvet cake which is my mom’s favorite flavor. Lucas, my older brother, is responsible for the decoration.

I think he’ll probably choose an ’80s theme since my mom is obsessed with that. In an hour, my father is going to the grocery store. I asked him to buy all the food and drink we needed. I hope he doesn’t forget anything.

Meanwhile, I’m going to stay at home distracting my mother so she doesn’t notice anything. We’ve been planning this party for a long time, and I won’t be the one to ruin the surprise. I’m so excited to see her reaction. I think I’ll record everything!


Bem-vindo ao seu Texto com Simple Future

1. Answer the questions according to the text you read

a) Who is responsible for helping with the invitations?

b) What flavor of cake is Harper going to buy?

c) What is Lucas responsible for?

d) What theme is Lucas likely to choose for the party?

e) Who is going to the grocery store?

f) What is the narrator's role in the party preparation?

g) What is the narrator excited about?

i) How does the narrator feel about ruining the surprise?

j) What does the narrator plan to do during the party?

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