Texto com Pronomes em inglês

Hello, student!

How are you today?

Hoje, vamos estudar os pronomes em inglês por meio da interpretação de texto.

Os pronomes podem ser pessoais, possessivos, demonstrativos, reflexivos, indefinidos, relativos e interrogativos.

Veja se consegue identificar alguns deles no texto a seguir.

Presenting Sarah

Sarah is a twenty-two-year-old college student who lives in Fresno, California. She studies Civil Engineer and dreams about working in a big company. Sometimes, she will even talk to herself training for future job interviews. She lives in a very small apartment, but it is not something that bothers her right now. She prefers to live life outside those four walls anyways. She loves to be in nature and go hiking, but none of her friends like the same thing. Nobody she knows wants to go with her on crazy and wild adventures. So, she hasn’t been up to much lately. If you ask her what she has been up to, she will say, “Oh, a little bit of this and that, nothing major”. Her life has been very uneventful. Most of her time is spent at work. She works at a coffee shop for now. She is saving money to accomplish another dream of hers. She wants to visit Italy after getting her bachelor’s degree.

Agora, responda às questões abaixo:

  1. Who is Sarah?
  2. What does Sarah study?
  3. What does Sarah do while training for a future job interview?
  4. What does Sarah think about her small apartment?
  5. Where does Sarah prefer to live life?
  6. Does Sarah have company on her crazy and wild adventures?
  7. What Sarah has been up to lately?
  8. Where does Sarah spend most of her time?
  9. Where does Sarah work?
  10. Why is Sarah saving money?

Para finalizar, retire do texto um exemplo de cada pronome listado abaixo:


Para saber mais visite: Guia completo dos pronomes em inglês

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