Exercícios do Wh-Questions

Que tal fazer Exercícios do Wh-Questions? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de wh-questions pode sempre dar uma olhada em nossa artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios de Wh-Questions

Formulate a Wh-question for the answer: "She went to Paris last summer."

Choose the correct Wh-question to ask for the underlined information: "She bought a new car."

Formulate a question for: "He works as a doctor."

Create a Wh-question for the answer: "They were talking about the movie."

Choose the correct Wh-question to ask for the underlined information: "She lives in New York."

Formulate a Wh-question for the answer: "He wakes up at 7 AM every day."

Create a Wh-question for the answer: "I need this book to study for my exam."

Choose the correct Wh-question to ask for the underlined information: "He was sad because he lost his job."

Formulate a Wh-question for the answer: "She listened to music while studying."

Create a Wh-question for the answer: "They met each other in college."

Choose the correct Wh-question to ask for the underlined information: "She will travel next month."

Formulate a Wh-question for the answer: "He bought the car for $20,000."

Create a Wh-question for the answer: "They go to the gym to stay healthy."

Choose the correct Wh-question to ask for the underlined information: "He feels better now."

Formulate a Wh-question for the answer: "She can solve the problem because she is smart."

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