Exercícios de Question Tags

Que tal fazer Exercícios de Question Tags? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de question tags pode sempre dar uma olhada em nossa artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios sobre as Question Tags

Complete the sentence with the correct question tag: "She is coming to the party, ______?"

Fill in the blank with the appropriate question tag: "He hasn’t finished his homework, ______?"

Choose the correct question tag for the sentence: "You won’t tell anyone, ______?"

Select the appropriate question tag: "They were happy about the results, ______?"

Fill in the blank: "Jessica will help us later, ______?"

Which is the correct question tag for the sentence: "Let’s go to the beach, ______?"

Complete the sentence with the correct question tag: "Nobody was upset, ______?"

Select the correct question tag: "I am late, ______?"

Choose the right question tag: "Tom has to leave now, ______?"

Fill in the correct question tag: "There is a meeting tomorrow, ______?"

Which question tag fits the sentence: "She can sing very well, ______?"

Choose the appropriate question tag for: "We should start early, ______?"

Select the correct question tag: "He hardly ever speaks, ______?"

Fill in the blank: "This won’t hurt, ______?"

Complete the sentence: "You’ve seen this movie before, ______?"

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