Exercícios Comparativos e Superlativos em Inglês

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Que tal fazer Exercícios Comparativos e Superlativos em Inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de comparative e superlative pode sempre dar uma olhada em nosso artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Complete the sentence using the comparative form: "This exam is ______ (difficult) than the last one."

Fill in the blank with the superlative form: "He is the ______ (smart) student in our class."

Choose the correct form: "This is ______ (interesting) book I have ever read."

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Select the correct comparative form: "She runs ______ (fast) than I do."

Complete the sentence with the correct superlative form: "It was the ______ (bad) mistake of my life."

Choose the correct comparative form: "This recipe is ______ (simple) than the one we tried last week."

Fill in the blank with the superlative form: "She is the ______ (beautiful) person I know."

Select the correct form: "This model is ______ (economically) viable option."

Choose the correct comparative form: "He felt ______ (bad) than he expected after the race."

Complete the sentence with the correct superlative form: "That was the ______ (good) meal I’ve had in ages."

Select the correct comparative form: "My house is ______ (far) from the school than yours."

Fill in the blank with the superlative form: "He is ______ (generous) person in our community."

Choose the correct comparative form: "This version is ______ (up-to-date) than the previous one."

Complete the sentence with the correct superlative form: "This is the ______ (comfortable) chair in the office."

Select the correct form: "She is the ______ (happily) married of all her friends."

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