Exercícios com Going to

Que tal fazer Exercícios com Going to ? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de going to pode sempre dar uma olhada em nossa artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios com Going to

Complete the sentence: "Look at those dark clouds! It ______ rain."

Fill in the blank: "We ______ visit our grandparents next weekend."

Choose the correct form: "She ______ start a new job in July."

Select the right option: "They ______ buy a new car because theirs is very old."

Fill in the blank: "He ______ get a haircut this afternoon."

Complete the sentence: "According to the weather forecast, it ______ snow tomorrow."

Choose the correct form: "I heard they ______ demolish that old building soon."

Select the right option: "Why are you buying so much food? — We ______ have a party this weekend."

Fill in the blank: "Don't worry about the dog. We ______ take care of it while you're away."

Choose the correct sentence: "______ you going to finish your project on time?"

Select the right option for a prediction: "Look at her! She ______ win the race!"

Fill in the blank in a conversation: "I'm really tired." — "You ______ go to bed early today."

Complete the question: "______ he going to propose to her tonight?"

Choose the appropriate form: "They ______ not going to like that movie."

Fill in the sentence: "It looks like it's going to rain. We ______ take an umbrella."

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