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Você já deve saber que a melhor forma de realmente aprender algo é colocar seus conhecimentos em prática, certo?
Por isso, vamos fazer um exercício de leitura com um texto utilizando o Past Continuous. Ao final, você também poderá responder aos exercícios de interpretação para saber se conseguiu entender tudo certinho ou não.
E lembre-se: a prática é essencial para aprimorar suas habilidades linguísticas, então prepare-se para mergulhar em um texto envolvente que o ajudará a dominar o past continuous.
Vamos lá!
Texto Past Continuous – “Chloe visits her grandparents”

It was Friday, and I decided to visit my grandparents at their country house. I was getting ready to go when I noticed what a beautiful day it was. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and some skirls were climbing the trees. I was sure it would be a great afternoon with my family, and I was not mistaken.
When I arrived at my grandparent’s house, grandma got very excited to see me and was already baking me some chocolate cookies. She was wearing a lovely apron, but it was covered with flour. I smiled at her and asked where grandpa was. She said he was looking for his fishing equipment in the garage. When I went there, he gave me a huge smile. I was so happy to see them!