Texto Past Continuous e Interpretação

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Você já deve saber que a melhor forma de realmente aprender algo é colocar seus conhecimentos em prática, certo?

Por isso, vamos fazer um exercício de leitura com um texto utilizando o Past Continuous. Ao final, você também poderá responder aos exercícios de interpretação para saber se conseguiu entender tudo certinho ou não.

E lembre-se: a prática é essencial para aprimorar suas habilidades linguísticas, então prepare-se para mergulhar em um texto envolvente que o ajudará a dominar o past continuous.

Vamos lá!

Texto Past Continuous – “Chloe visits her grandparents”

texto past continuous

It was Friday, and I decided to visit my grandparents at their country house. I was getting ready to go when I noticed what a beautiful day it was. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and some skirls were climbing the trees. I was sure it would be a great afternoon with my family, and I was not mistaken.

When I arrived at my grandparent’s house, grandma got very excited to see me and was already baking me some chocolate cookies. She was wearing a lovely apron, but it was covered with flour. I smiled at her and asked where grandpa was. She said he was looking for his fishing equipment in the garage. When I went there, he gave me a huge smile. I was so happy to see them!


Bem-vindo ao seu Texto Past Continuous

1) What day of the week was it when the narrator decided to visit their grandparents?

2) How did the narrator feel about the weather when they were getting ready to visit their grandparents?

3) What was grandma doing when the narrator arrived at their grandparent's house?

4) What was grandma wearing when the narrator arrived?

5) Where was grandpa when the narrator arrived at their grandparent's house?

6) How did grandpa react when he saw the narrator?

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