Texto com Quantifiers

Hello, student!

How have you been?

Hoje, você estudará os conhecidos Quantifiers utilizados em inglês.

Leia o texto abaixo com bastante atenção, analisando como e com que outras palavras eles são utilizados.

Here’s How Many Calories Are Lurking in Your Thanksgiving Dinner

If you’re like most people, you’ll be loosening your belt a few notches on Thanksgiving Day. But do you have any clue how many calories you end up consuming to get that uncomfortable post-meal bloat that makes you plop on the couch? Maybe you don’t want to. Eh, what the hell: The average American reportedly packs away approximately 3,000 calories and nearly 160 grams of fat in a Thanksgiving meal, according to the Calorie Control Council. Going back for seconds of turkey, some taters, and a little gravy (and you know you probably will) likely adds another 500–1,000 calories easily. When I read that, I thought it was baloney—that much? No way! Then I made a list of what I typically eat in a sitting on the fourth Thursday of every November and calculated the calories. It is a great deal of food. I must admit that—whoa, it’s a lot of stuffing!

(Fonte: Adaptado de Eat this, not that! < https://www.eatthis.com/thanksgiving-dinner-calories/ >)

Agora, responda às peguntas:

  1. According to the text, what do most people do on Thanksgiving Day?
  2. How many calories does a person end up consuming on Thanksgiving Day?
  3. If the author went back for seconds, what would he put on his plate?
  4. If you go back for seconds, how many calories does it add to your Thanksgiving meal? Is it too much?
  5. What did the author say about the quantity of food he eats on Thanksgiving Day?
  6. What did the author admit at the end of his text?

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