Texto com Preposições em Inglês

Hello, student!

As preposições são termos que conectam elementos da oração e, por isso, é muito importante que você saiba como usá-las em contexto.

Leia a história que se segue e identifique quais preposições estão sendo utilizadas para cada situação narrada. Depois, responda às perguntas propostas.

The day Olivia’s cat went missing

One day, I was at home when I realized that I hadn’t seen my cat that day. I don’t know why I immediately thought my cat was missing and nearly went crazy. I looked for him everywhere. First, I checked to see if he was in my room because he loves to sleep there, but I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t on the bed or under the sheets. He wasn’t in the closet or on the shelves. So, I decided to look for him in the living room. He wasn’t behind the sofa, between the cushions, or on the chairs. At this point, I started to get really worried, so I called my mom who was in San Francisco. I told her what was going on and she advised me to look outside. I think I must have been looking for him in the backyard for almost an hour before I finally saw him. He was sleeping peacefully under a rocking chair. I haven’t seen him before because he’s an orange cat, the same color as the rug he was sleeping on.  

  1. Where was Olivia when she thought her cat was missing?
  2. Where did Olivia look for her cat?
  3. Where did Olivia look for her cat in her room?
  4. Where did Olivia look for her cat in the living room?
  5. Where was Olivia’s mom when she called her?
  6. What advice did Olivia get from her mother?
  7. Where did Olivia finally find her cat?

Agora, tente se lembrar de algo que tenha perdido recentemente e responda às seguintes perguntas:

  1. Where did you look for it?

Where did you find it?

Para saber mais: Guia das Preposições em Inglês

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