Texto com Preposições em Inglês

Hello, student!

As preposições são termos que conectam elementos da oração e, por isso, é muito importante que você saiba como usá-las em contexto.

Leia a história que se segue e identifique quais preposições estão sendo utilizadas para cada situação narrada. Depois, responda às perguntas propostas.

texto – The day Olivia’s cat went missing

One day, I was at home when I realized that I hadn’t seen my cat that day. I don’t know why I immediately thought my cat was missing and nearly went crazy. I looked for him everywhere. First, I checked to see if he was in my room because he loves to sleep there, but I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t on the bed or under the sheets.

He wasn’t in the closet or on the shelves. So, I decided to look for him in the living room. He wasn’t behind the sofa, between the cushions, or on the chairs. At this point, I started to get really worried, so I called my mom who was in San Francisco.

I told her what was going on and she advised me to look outside. I think I must have been looking for him in the backyard for almost an hour before I finally saw him. He was sleeping peacefully under a rocking chair. I haven’t seen him before because he’s an orange cat, the same color as the rug he was sleeping on.  

Para saber mais: Guia das Preposições em Inglês


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