Texto Com Simple Past

Uma das melhores maneiras de ampliar o conhecimento da língua inglesa é por meio da interpretação de texto.

Por conta disso, separamos um texto para que você compreenda melhor o tempo verbal simple past.

Acompanhe a leitura.

Last year

I visited my mother and studied French. I didn’t have many problems and I made a lot of friends. I went to the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different places and had time to take pictures. I didn’t drink beer, I drank only soda. I ate barbecue and slept late on weekends. I started a business and worked a lot. My business helped me learn and understand things. I didn’t want to live in the USA because I love Brazil. My life changed and I had many things to do every day. I also finished what I started in 2003: an English course. I didn’t lose anything, I only won. This was the best year of my life. Everything went fine.

– By Paolo Johnson.

1 – Complete as frases.

A) “I didn’t have many problems ____________________________.”

B) “I saw different places ________________________________.”

C) “I started a business _________________________.”

2 – Verdadeiro ou falso.

A) Paolo didn’t drink beer (   )

B) Paolo learned English. (   )

C) Paolo ate barbecue. (   )

D) Paolo started a business. (   )



A) “I didn’t have many problems and I made a lot of friends.”

B) “I saw different places and had time to take pictures.”

C) “I started a business and worked a lot.”


A) (T).

B) (T).

C) (T).

D) (T).

  • Frases com Simple Past (250 a 400 palavras)
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