Exercícios de Preposições em inglês

Que tal fazer exercícios de preposições em inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de prepositions pode sempre dar uma olhada em nosso artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios Preposições em Inglês

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: "She is interested ______ learning Spanish."

Choose the correct preposition for the sentence: "We walked ______ the bridge at sunset."

Which preposition completes the sentence correctly? "He's very good ______ playing chess."

Select the correct preposition: "Could you please look ______ my cat while I'm away?"

Fill in the blank: "We're thinking of going ______ a trip to France next summer."

Which preposition fits best? "He has a great influence ______ his followers."

Fill in the blank: "She is married ______ my cousin."

Choose the correct preposition: "They arrived ______ the airport just in time."

Select the correct preposition for the sentence: "I'm not very fond ______ spicy food."

Which preposition should be used? "He apologized ______ me for being late."

Fill in the blank: "I prefer tea ______ coffee."

Choose the correct preposition: "The book belongs ______ her."

Which preposition fits best? "We are worried ______ his health."

Select the correct preposition: "She is responsible ______ organizing the event."

Fill in the blank: "The children ran ______ the hill."

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