Exercícios sobre advérbios em inglês – Gabarito e Explicações

Que tal fazer exercícios de advérbios em inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de adverbs pode sempre dar uma olhada em nosso artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios de Advérbios em Inglês

Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence: "She sings ______ beautifully."

Which adverb best fits the sentence? "He works ______ hard to achieve his goals."

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb: "They ______ agreed to the terms."

Select the correct adverb for the sentence: "Please respond ______ to this message."

Which adverb correctly completes the sentence? "She smiled ______ when she received the good news."

Fill in the blank: "The meeting was ______ postponed due to unforeseen circumstances."

Choose the correct adverb: "He ______ visits his hometown."

Which adverb should be used? "The athlete ran ______ to win the race."

Fill in the blank: "The documentary was ______ interesting; I learned a lot."

Select the correct adverb: "She answered the question ______."

Which adverb fits best? "Unfortunately, I ______ forgot to bring my ID."

Fill in the blank: "They live ______ nearby, so we see them often."

Choose the correct adverb for the sentence: "You're walking too fast; please walk more ______."

Which adverb correctly completes the sentence? "He ______ understood the instructions."

Fill in the blank: "She can sing ______ as well as her sister."

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