Exercícios do Quantifiers

Exercícios do Quantifiers

  • Leia as frases abaixo e escolha a alternativa correta:

1. Would you like _______ orange juice? 

a) many 

b) a few 

c) some 

d) any 

2. Check if there is _______ food in the fridge. 

a) many 

b) much 

c) any 

d) a few 

3. How _______ did your house cost? 

a) many 

b) some 

c) any 

d) much 

4. There are __________ books on the shelf. 

a) any 

b) much 

c) many 

d) little 

5. Is there __________ vegetable in the fridge? 

a) any 

b) many 

c) very 

d) a lot 

6. There are a ______  bananas in the basket. 

a) little 

b) much 

c) many 

d) few

7. He is very rich. There is ______ money in his wallet. 

a) some 

b) many 

c) any 

d) much 

8. How _______ water does she drink? 

a) much 

b) many 

c) some 

d) any 

9. Don’t eat so _______ ice cream or you will get fat. 

a) many 

b) much 

c) some 

d) any 

10. There is a _______ butter left. We need to buy ________. 

a) few / any 

b) much / many 

c) little / some 

d) few / some 

11. How _______ money have you got? 

a) much 

b) a lot

c) many 

d) any 

12. Diana doesn’t have _______ pets. 

a) many 

c) a lot 

b) much 

d) plenty 

13. Jonathan has _______ of tights. 

a) a lot 

b) a little 

c) a few 

d) many 

14. Cleo and Demi have as ______ sisters as I do. 

a)  a little

b) a lot 

c) much

d) many

15. I have _____ of memories from this summer. 

a) a lot 

b) many 

c) much 

d) a little

16. I haven’t got _______ change. Sorry! 

a) much 

b) a few 

c) a little 

d) many 

17. Are there _______ of shoes near you? 

a) many 

b) much 

c) lots 

d) a lot 

18. How _________ eggs are in this cake? 

a) many 

b) much 

c) lots 

d) a few 

19. Do you think _______ people will come to the party? 

a) many 

b) much 

c) a lot 

d) lots 

20. It was pouring with rain, but there wasn’t ________ wind. 

a) much 

b) many 

c) a few 

d) a lot 

21. In Spain, there aren’t _______ penguins. 

a) many 

c) a little 

b) much 

d) a few 

22. There is ______ of concern about underage drinking in our country. 

a) a few 

b) a little 

c) a lot 

d) many 

23. Johnny had heard _______ stories about her. 

a) a lot

b) much

c) many 

d) a little 

24. I went shopping on Black Friday and spent ________ of money. 

a) a little

b) a few

c) many 

d) a lot

25. Hurry up! We’ve got ______ of things to do! 

a) lots 

b) many 

c) much 

d) a few 

26. I have _______ of time. Don’t rush me! 

a) a little

b) a few

c) much 

d) plenty

27. Have you eaten ________ of chocolates? 

a) much

b) many

c) lots

d) a few 

28. Can I add ____ salt, please? It’s very bland. 

a) a little 

b) many 

c) a few 

d) much 

           29. I’ve got _________  exams to correct. 

a) lots 

b) a little

c) a few

d) a lot 

30. We didn’t bring anything to eat, but fortunately we’ve got _______ of food from yesterday. 

a) much 

b) many 

c) a few

d) a lot


1-c) some                                 

2-c) any 

3-d) much

4- c) many 

5- a) any 

6- d) few

7- d) much 

8- a) much 

9- b) much 

10- c) little / some 

11- a) much 

12- a) many 

13- a) a lot 

14- d) many

15- a) a lot

16- a) Much 

17- c) lots 

18- a) many 

19- a) many 

20- a) much 

21- a) many 

22- c) a lot

23- c) many 

24- d) a lot

25- a) lots 

26- d) plenty

27- c) lots

28- a) a little 

29- c) a few

30- d) a lot

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