Texto com Conditionals

Hello, student!

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you never had to sleep?

Hoje, vamos aprender sobre Conditionals com base na interpretação do texto abaixo. A condicional é utilizada para tratar de situações que dependem de outras variáveis para acontecer.

Para entender melhor o uso desse tipo de oração, leia o texto a seguir e realize os exercícios propostos:

If Hugo never had to sleep…

I was thinking about what people could achieve if they never had to sleep. I got to the conclusion that if I never had to sleep, I would read all the books in the world. I would read about literature, science, culture, and society. If I read all the books in the world, I would be very smart. I would know how to talk about almost everything. If I got very smart, I would never get a bad grade at school. I would master all my tests in every subject. If I never got a bad grade at school, I would be approved for a scholarship at a great university. Perhaps, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, or MIT. If entered a great university, I would receive the best education and meet a lot of amazing people.


  1. What would Hugo do if he never had to sleep?
  2. What would happen if Hugo read all the books in the world?
  3. What would happen if Hugo got very smart?
  4. What would happen if Hugo never got a bad grade at school?
  5. What would happen if Hugo entered a great university?

Agora, é com você! O que você faria se nuca tivesse que dormir? Pense um pouco sobre o assunto e escreva uma resposta de, pelo menos, quatro frases utilizando a condicional. If I never had to sleep, I would…

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