Texto com Artigos em Inglês

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Hello, student!

Hoje, vamos nos aprofundar no uso dos artigos definidos e indefinidos em inglês a partir de dois exercícios de interpretação de texto.

Para realizar o primeiro exercício, leia o texto com atenção e responda às perguntas abaixo.

Veja também: Artigos em Inglês

Meat-Eating Plants – Part 1

A black fly hovers in the air over a strange-looking plant. Attracted by a sweet smell, the fly lands on one of the plant’s flat, red leaves.

The fly begins to crawl across the leaf. Suddenly, the leaf moves! Before the fly can get away, the leaf closes around it.

Two rows of teeth close together. Escape is impossible. The fly tries to get out, but the trap closes more tightly. Soon the fly is dead. In a few days, there is nothing left but the hard parts of its body.

(Fonte: PAVLIK, Cheryl. Grammar Sense 2. 2004. p.283)

  1. What type of animal is hovering over a strange-looking plant?
  2. What attracts the black fly?
  3. Where does the fly land?
  4. Where does the fly begin to crawl?
  5. Why can’t the fly get away?
  6. What happens when the fly tries to get out?
  7. What happens to the fly after a few days?

Agora, no segundo exercício, preencha as lacunas da parte dois do texto sobre as plantas carnívoras com os artigos definidos (the) ou indefinidos (a/an) adequados.

Meat-Eating Plants – Part 2

_______ plant that ate this fly is called _______ Venus flytrap. It is one of about 450 species, or kinds, of carnivorous plants. _______ plant that is carnivorous actually eats meat. It traps and eats insects, and in some cases, small animals such as frogs and mice.  How do these unusual plants work? They must attract animals. Unlike _______ frog or _______ bird, _______ carnivorous plant cannot reach out and grab _______ insect. It must wait until _______ insect comes to it.

(Fonte: PAVLIK, Cheryl. Grammar Sense 2. 2004. p.283)


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