Texto com Adjetivos em Inglês

Hello, dear student!

Tell me, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Hoje vamos revisar os adjetivos em inglês com a ajuda de um texto que conta a história de um velho conhecido das crianças de todo o mundo, o Papai Noel.

Leia o texto e responda as perguntas propostas abaixo.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a legendary figure. He is the traditional patron of Christmas in the United States and other countries.

He brings gifts to children and his popular image is based on traditions associated with Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian saint.

Santa Claus is said to live at the North Pole with his caring wife, where he spends the year making toys with the help of his elves. There he receives letters from well-behaved children asking for Christmas gifts.

On Christmas Eve he loads his sleigh with toys and flies around the world, drawn by eight reindeer, stopping at each child’s house; he slides down the chimney and leaves the beautiful gifts, refreshing himself with the milk and cookies left for him by the household’s children.

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No one has ever seen Santa Claus.  However, he is described as a chubby, rosy-cheeked old man with a white beard. He wears red clothes and a black belt.

(Fonte: Adaptado de Britannica < https://www.britannica.com/topic/Christmas>)

  1. According to the text, who is a legendary figure and the traditional patron of Christmas in the United States and other countries?
  2. What is Santa Claus’ popular image based on?
  3. How does the text describe Santa Claus’s wife?
  4. How does the text describe Santa Claus?
  5. Does Santa Claus receive a letter from all children?
  6. What does Santa Claus leave for children?

Agora, temos um desafio para você. Como já sabemos, os adjetivos em inglês antecedem o substantivo e devem seguir uma certa ordem. Portanto, complete a frase abaixo, colocando os adjetivos na ordem correta:

Santa Claus can be described as a __________________________________________ man.

                                                              (jolly, red-suited, old, white-bearded, plump)

Para aprender mais sobre adjetivos em inglês veja o guia completo.

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