Texto com Past Perfect: Aprenda e Pratique com Exercícios

Uma forma valiosa de aprimorar sua compreensão no inglês é através da leitura de textos.

Ao mergulhar desde o início em um texto com past perfect, você tem a oportunidade de não apenas reconhecer suas estruturas, mas também de entender como são aplicadas em situações autênticas.

Então continue a ler este artigo e conheça a história da competição de dança de Dane e Emily, e não deixe de fazer os exercícios de interpretação no final.

Let’s go!

texto com Past Perfect – The dance Competition

Texto com Past Perfect

Last night, Dane and Emily danced in a competition. They danced salsa. They had practiced for 6 months before they danced in the competition. They were very good. Dane and Emily’s friends were in the audience. Before that night, they had never seen Dane and Emily dance.

In fact, Dane and Emily had never danced in front of anyone before the competition. After everyone had danced, the judges announced the winners. Dane and Emily won! They were the best dancers in the competition. Emily said she had never practiced so hard before! She was glad they had practiced a lot.


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