Exercícios de Conditionals em Inglês

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Que tal fazer Exercícios de Conditionals em Inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de conditionals pode sempre dar uma olhada em nossa artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios sobre Conditionals

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the conditional: "If it rains, we ______ (stay) indoors."

Choose the correct conditional form: "If he ______ (know) the truth, he would be upset."

Select the appropriate conditional form: "If she had seen him, she ______ (say) hello."

Fill in the blank with the correct form: "If you heat water to 100°C, it ______ (boil)."

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Which sentence is correctly formed with a mixed conditional? "If he ______ (study) harder last year, he would be at a better university now."

Complete the sentence using the correct conditional form: "If they ______ (not be) so late, we could have caught the train."

Choose the correct conditional form: "If you ______ (need) help tomorrow, I can come over."

Select the appropriate conditional form: "If I ______ (be) you, I wouldn't do that."

Fill in the blank: "I wouldn't be so tired if I ______ (not stay) up so late last night."

Which sentence correctly uses a Zero Conditional?

Complete the sentence using a First Conditional: "If it ______ (snow) tomorrow, the schools will close."

Choose the correct conditional form: "We ______ (go) to the beach if the weather was nicer."

Select the appropriate conditional form: "If I ______ (know) you were in town, I would have called you."

Fill in the blank using a mixed conditional: "If she ______ (be) more careful, she wouldn't be in trouble now."

Which sentence uses a conditional form incorrectly?

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