Exercícios de Phrasal Verbs em Inglês

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Que tal fazer exercícios de phrasal verbs em inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de verbos frasais pode sempre dar uma olhada em nosso artigo completo sobre o assunto.

What does "give up" mean in this sentence: "She gave up smoking last year."

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: "He needs to ______ on his homework."

What does "look after" mean in this context: "Can you look after my dog while I'm on vacation?"

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Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb: "She finally ______ to the pressure her friends put on her."

What does "turn down" mean in this sentence: "He turned down the job offer."

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: "I can't wait to ______ my presents on my birthday."

What does "back out" mean in this context: "He backed out of the agreement at the last minute."

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb: "They decided to ______ the old rules."

What does "come across" mean in this sentence: "She came across some old photos in the attic."

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: "We need to ______ these issues before we continue."

What does "run into" mean in this context: "I ran into an old friend at the mall."

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb: "It's hard to ______ the difference between these two colors."

What does "set up" mean in this sentence: "They set up a fund to help the victims."

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: "You should ______ your fears and face them."

What does "break down" mean in this context: "The negotiations broke down after a few hours."

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