Present Continuous – interpretação de texto

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Você já sabe que trabalhar interpretação de textos é importante não só para praticar a habilidade da leitura em si.

Além disso, a habilidade de compreender um texto tem diversos desdobramentos, como o aprendizado de novos vocabulários, a chance de ver as estruturas da linguagem em uso e poder compreendê-las, enfim…

Hoje, vamos trabalhar a interpretação de textos no present continuous falando sobre carreiras após a aposentadoria.

A humanidade, como um todo, vive cada vez mais e com saúde. Se você comparar uma pessoa de sessenta anos nos dias atuais com alguém que tinha sessenta anos há algumas décadas, você vai constatar que os sessentões e as sessentinhas de hoje são muito mais ativos e joviais do que antigamente.

Assim, quando se alcança a aposentadoria, não se chega no fim da vida, apenas se tem a chance de começar de novo, com outra cabeça, ou simplesmente relaxar e aproveitar a vida. 

Você vai ler o texto e depois vamos fazer exercícios de compreensão e vamos responder perguntas para você praticar a sua conversação. Vamos começar? 

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Present Continuous reading piece:

interpretação de texto no present continuous

Judy Perlman, from Chicago, is starting a new career — making dolls. She sells most of them before Christmas, at holiday fairs all over Illinois. “I’m having more fun than ever before. I’m traveling in my new job and I’m meeting new people. Right now I’m preparing for my next show. I’m not earning a lot of money, but I don’t care.” 

Why isn’t she worried about making money? Perlman is a retired teacher, and she’s getting a pension. Many older people are starting new careers in their retirement. Americans are living longer than ever before. The average life expectancy in the United States is seventy-six years for men and eighty-one years for women. Most people retire in their mid-sixties. 

That means that retired people can have many years ahead of them. Some people are content just relaxing. But many seniors are getting involved in interesting hobbies or second careers. If they are getting a pension or living off savings from their work years, many can afford to find rewarding work without worrying about money. 

“I’m enjoying every minute of my new career. I think this is the best time of my life,” says Perlman. Some senior citizens decide not to retire at all. Frank Babbitt, of Newark, is a carpenter, and he’s still working. He has his own business and works fifty hours a week. And he’s almost eighty-eight years old. Today healthy retirees are exploring many options, from relaxing to starting a new business or making a hobby into a new career. How do you see yourself as a retiree?


Bem-vindo ao seu Present Continuous – interpretação de texto

1. Julgue os statements a seguir como verdadeiros ou falsos.

a) Judy Perlman is starting a new career as a teacher.

b) She sells most of her dolls after Christmas.

c) Judy is not enjoying her new job.

d) Many older people are starting new careers in their retirement.

e) The average life expectancy in the United States is decreasing.

2. Complete as frases abaixo com um destes verbos no present continuous:

retire return work discover start volunteer live spend

1. More and more older people are working at second careers these days.
2. Many people at a younger age.
3. They time doing interesting things.
4. Some people new careers.
5. Other people . They are helping others without pay.
6. People longer and healthier lives.
7. Some people new talents and abilities.
8. Some older women to work after raising a family.

Many people at a younger age.

3. Marque a resposta correta

a) What is Judy Perlman's new career?

b) Why isn't Judy worried about making a lot of money with her new career?

c) How many hours per week is Frank Babbitt working?

d) What are many healthy retirees exploring?

e) What is the overall view of retirees in the text?

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