Interpretação de Texto com Passive Voice: Pratique Agora!

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Você já deve saber o que são as passive voice, mas a melhor maneira mesmo é aprender observando as na prática.

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Texto com Passive Voice – The History of Linoleum

Texto com Passive Voice
Fonte: Adaptado de Galaxie Floor Stores

Linoleum, a floor, and wall covering material used in place of Kamptulicon, was invented in 1860 by rubber manufacturer Fredrick Walton. Walton got the idea for the material after observing that a characteristic covering – or “skin” – was being produced by oxidized linseed oil as it forms into paint. Walton received a British patent for his invention and together with fellow inventor Fredrick Thomas Palmer went on to produce additional inventions. Lincrusta and Anaglypta were also produced by them. Both are unique forms of Victorian home wall coverings.

The invention of Linoleum was later publicized by Michael Nairn, the Scottish flooring manufacturer who is best known as the pioneer of the traditional inlaid pattern that characterizes linoleum coverings. During the 1960s, the use of linoleum was slowed by the rise of vinyl as a more popular floor covering. It has, however, made a comeback in recent years. The name linoleum was inspired by the Latin words “linum” and “oleum”, which mean flax and oil, respectively.


Bem-vindo ao seu Texto com Passive Voice

1. Who invented linoleum?

2. What observation led to the invention of linoleum?

3. What did Walton do after receiving a British patent for linoleum?

4. Which products were also invented by Walton and Palmer?

5. What was Michael Nairn best known for?

6. What caused the decline in the use of linoleum in the 1960s?

7. What does the word "linoleum" derive from?

8. Which of the following statements is true about linoleum's popularity in recent years?

9. Linoleum's name was inspired by the Latin words "linum" and "oleum." How can this be rephrased in passive voice?

10. What does the phrase "traditional inlaid pattern" refer to in the context of the passage?

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