Exercícios de Modais em Inglês

Mario Anaya Nunes
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Que tal fazer exercícios de modais em inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de verbos modais pode sempre dar uma olhada em nosso artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios Verbos Modais em Inglês

You ______ smoke in here; it’s a non-smoking area.

He ______ be in his office now, but I’m not sure.

You ______ to finish your work before you leave.

They ______ like to visit us next week.

She said she ______ help me with my project.

You ______ better see a doctor if that cough continues.

______ I borrow your car tonight?

You ______ leave early if you’ve finished all your work.

Students ______ wear their uniforms on Mondays.

We ______ go to the beach this weekend. The weather looks great!

______ you please pass me the salt?

They ______ not understand what you said.

You ______ take your shoes off before entering the house.

I ______ like to start the meeting now, if everyone is ready.

______ we leave now to catch the movie on time?

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