Exercícios sobre Relative Clauses – Gabarito e Explicação

Que tal fazer Exercícios sobre Relative Clauses em Inglês? Serão ao todo 15 perguntas para fazer você treinar os seus conhecimentos.

Mas não se preocupe, se você errar muitas questões de orações relativas pode sempre dar uma olhada em nossa artigo completo sobre o assunto.

Bem-vindo ao seu Exercícios de Relative Clauses em Inglês

Complete the sentence using a relative pronoun: "The man ______ you met yesterday is my uncle."

Choose the correct relative pronoun: "I visited the museum ______ exhibition had rave reviews."

Select the appropriate relative pronoun: "She lives in a town ______ is close to the sea."

Fill in the blank with the correct relative adverb: "Do you know the reason ______ he was late?"

Which sentence is correctly formed with a relative clause?

Choose the correct form: "The teacher ______ students are very bright didn't come today."

Fill in the blank: "The city ______ I grew up is very small."

Select the correct relative pronoun: "That's the artist ______ painting I admire the most."

Which sentence uses a relative clause correctly?

Fill in the blank: "The movie, ______ we saw last night, was very exciting."

Choose the correct relative pronoun: "The book ______ cover is torn needs to be replaced."

Select the appropriate relative adverb: "This is the house ______ Jack built."

Fill in the blank: "She remembers the day ______ she first met her husband."

Which option is correct? "The company ______ he works for is very large."

Select the correct relative pronoun: "The phone ______ you gave me doesn't work."

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